

Oliver is walking all over! He falls a lot, but he keeps trying. Griffin is really in trouble now.

Oh--Happy Birthday, Megan!


One More Thing...

Oh...and here is a picture of Oliver standing all by himself!


We visited Judd and Megan in Seattle over the last week and had a great time! Oliver had tons of "firsts" while we were there: first airplane ride, first taste of donut, first opportunity to play with cats, first hike...he even took his first steps! Here are few pics from the week...

Oliver with Jason at Pike Place Market

Seattle Center

Snoqualmie Falls

Rattlesnake Ridge

The Troll
Pike Place Market
View from Kerry Park


Feelin' the Groove

This is what Oliver does every time I turn on his CD player. You have to watch this with the sound on. I'm sorry if this turns out sideways. I recorded it the long way.