
Gluten Free Pot Pie!

I just had to share this photo! I haven't had a pot pie in...well...years. This turned out great (although it was a lot of work). Sam even said, "It tastes just like a pot pie!"


Festival of Lights at the Zoo!

Here is our tree this year. Can't make the camera take a decent picture.

Oliver and I visited the Festival of Lights last night! Lots of cookies... candy....hot dog....all around junk food. The gingerbread man was not nearly as creepy this year. Oliver did ask why the reindeer were at the zoo and not riding with Santa...my answer: "Santa is at the zoo too--this is just where he parked the reindeer".



Look what Oliver has learned at school...



Gramma and Papa handed out candy on Monday while Sam and I took Oliver out trick-or-treating. He sustained your standard trick-or-treating injury by falling down someone's steps. Check out that lump on his head! That didn't stop us, though. Plenty of candy to go around.



Sam really went all out this year with the decorations! We had fun cleaning out and carving pumpkins this afternoon. Oliver has been talking in his "ghost voice" for days. Really into it this year!


Shaw Farms

Oliver and I visited Shaw Farms early this morning while Sam was at work. Oliver picked our pumkins out of a very muddy pumkin patch. There were also a lot of fun things to do--a wagon ride with draft horses, a blue barrel train ride, a fire truck to sit in, and all kinds of things to climb on.


Michigan in October

Michigan in October! Near 80 degrees and beautiful. It was great to spend time with family. Joel, Sarah, and Henry...we have to catch you a Christmas. We missed you this weekend.



I just wanted to post a super cute picture of Bel, Oliver, and Amelia taken at the zoo last weekend. We've missed them!


Not too exciting, just a few weekend pics

I am not sure why this post is all messed up, but here are a few weekend pics. Basketball and bubble blowing!

I just realized that Oliver is completely cross-eyed in most of these pictures.


Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day Weekend! Oliver had a great weekend that included an overnight camp out in the living room, watching Cars, having a milkshake, staying at Gramma and Papa's for an afternoon, going to the museum, going to the zoo, going to the park, watching fireworks (reluctantly), staying up late, meeting (and befriending) a stray cat... Here are a few pics from the weekend!



I was terrible about uploading pictures for the month of August, but here is a short update. A few weeks ago, Sam and I went to see Paul McCartney at Great American Ballpark. The concert was unbelievably great--even though we were about as far away as you can get.

Oliver got his first "big boy" bike on Friday. He LOVES it. Our neighborhood is too hilly to ride, so we spent most of the weekend at parks with bike paths so that Oliver could ride. After a couple days of practice, he is getting pretty good!

Balloon sword. Enough said.


Cousins Part II

Oliver, Maggie, and Archie!



Here are a few shots from the last couple weeks. Oliver enjoyed all of his time with Maggie and Archie. Pics with Archie to follow...