
Happy Halloween!

Here are some pictures from our 4-day Halloween celebration. This 1st one was from trick-or-treating on Thursday at Music Hall. Oliver was a bit afraid (in that he was screaming and crying) of the other kids in costumes and would go nowhere near them. But he did enjoy getting candy...

After a Halloween party on Friday morning at daycare, Oliver and I went to a pumpkin painting/carving party at Bel's house on Friday night.

We took a little break on Saturday night from dressing up, but Sam came through with several hours as a giant chicken.

Here are the pics from tonight. Bel, Amelia, Joe, and Kathy joined us for trick-or-treating in Bellevue. No more screaming and crying tonight--and lots and lots of candy!


Visit from Geema, Eena, and Yandon

This is Grandma, as agile as she was in her youth, showing us all that she is still able to climb playground equipment. Afterward, I was hoping to arm wrestle, but she was too tired.

Anna giving me the stink-eye

Oliver was drawing us pictures tonight. Here is what he told us he was drawing:
purple = horse
green = spider
orange = crab
blue = bike
red = excavator
yellow = cow
black = sea horse
pink = buh-luh-luh-luh-luh?
pencil = another spider

These are all obvious from the drawing, right?


Coney Island

We went to Coney Island today for the Fall-O-Ween Festival. At 90 degrees, it was a little too hot for Oliver to wear his costume, but he got to do some early trick-or-treating. We also rode the ferris wheel and paddle boats. Oliver went through the hay bale maze, played in the jumpy castle, and rode all of the kiddie rides. The line for pony rides was too long, but we also got to see goats, llamas, and alpacas. Fun day!

For Aunt Liz

This is for Aunt Liz--so that she doesn't think Oliver has gotten too serious...



So I asked the Olga, the hair dresser at Supercuts, to scissor-cut the top of Oliver's hair and use the clippers on the sides and back. She proceeded to use the clippers over all of Oliver's head. As all of his hair dropped slowly to the ground, a single tear formed in my eye.

He still looks cute, although there is a great deal more space between his eyebrows and hairline.


Radom Pics from Phone

I haven't taken any actual pics with the camera in a while, but here are a few random pics from my phone.

Oliver on the way home from Michigan last weekend for Landon's b-day.

Oliver and Grandpa Paul in one of the rare moments where Oliver's pants weren't falling down.

Looks serious, doesn't he?

Took Oliver to a Reds game a couple weeks ago. He enjoyed it until the fireworks. Then we had to leave.

Oliver in his new hat at the zoo.