
Cincinnati Zoo

It was supposed to be 50 degrees today and somewhat sunny, so I planned a trip to the zoo. It really only got to about 35, but we went anyway. It was fun (and a bit cold)!

This pic got a bit steamy in the bird area.

Oliver's favorite exhibit...a skid steer ("sk-sk") and excavator ("a-la-la-la").


Snow Day, Part III

I've taken a bunch of pictures over the last 3 snow days, but this one is my fav.


Snow Day at the Aquarium

I didn't actually buy this picture (clearly), but I still wanted to post it!


New Vids

I haven't posted any videos in a while, so I thought I would take a few. None of them is terribly exciting, but Oliver likes to watch them. I was hoping to give him something new to watch.



It's amazing what a coat of paint and some $10 curtains from IKEA will do for you. We have spent hundreds of hours (well, not really hundreds--but it has been many) painting and rearranging our furniture. I think it is finally getting to be the way we want it =).