
Black Friday Shopping!

We got a GREAT deal on a new TV early Friday morning at Target. We would have never gotten up, but Oliver insists on waking at 5:00 every morning.

Liz, Josh, and Maggie sent us a wreath for our door. Thanks a bunch! It's really pretty.

And here is our finished tree. I don't think Christmas tree pics ever turn out very good, but that doesn't stop me from taking them. Most of our decorations stayed in the box this year because of Mr. Grabberarm, but he has left the tree alone for the most part.


Deck the Halls

We got our tree this weekend! Oliver has been helping decorate and undecorate the tree.


Fire Truck

Gramma Strater sent Oliver a fire truck (kuk!)! Oliver has been riding non-stop all evening. Thanks, Gramma!


Tuesday Evening

This isn't especially exciting, but I thought I would post a few pics from this evening. Oliver is less than thrilled with the toys we have at the house. He spends way more time playing with everything else...canned goods, pieces of paper, the dog bed, coasters...


New House Pics

Things are coming along in our new house. Here are just a few pics of the downstairs. We are still arranging things and thinking about painting, but this is where we are so far.

Dining Room

Living Room



Happy Halloween!

So we are mostly moved in and LOVE our new house. We did take a quick break from moving boxes to enjoy a little trick-or-treating with Oliver's friends, Anni and Belle. Oliver looked so cute as a giraffe (Thanks, Henry!). It was a beautiful night, and everyone had a great time.

You have to turn up the volume on your speakers to get the full effect of this video. Who knew that Oliver liked Metallica?