
Cincinnati Museum Center--Great Christmas Present!

I know this is just going to be a string of pictures of Oliver playing with stuff, but he (we) got a membership to the Museum Center and used it for the first time yesterday. It is going to be a great place to spend time this year. Thanks, Gramma and Papa!


Back to Kentucky

I didn't take very many pictures at Christmas this year, but here are the few that I took on our latest visit to Michigan.

Oliver and I got to visit with the Holmans last week Monday. Oliver and Anni decorated Christmas cookies. Oliver spent much of the time licking the knife and his fingers. He also had more than his share of M&Ms.

Oliver and Anni also went swimming at the Spring Lake Aquatic Center. They had a great time and were very hungry for cookies when we got back.

This is Oliver after Grandma Menkveld's party at Aunt Debbie's last week Sunday. It was so much fun! Oliver especially enjoyed chasing Justin's hovercraft, digging for candy, and cleaning up the pinata. It was great to see family.

This is Oliver and Landon in one of the better "sharing" moments =).

Oliver made a pink snowman with his Play-Doh stocking stuffer at Gramma and Papa's house.


Snow Day!

We had our 2nd snow day for the year and got to play outside a little bit. Oliver does NOT like the snow. He spent most of the time outside asking me to wipe the snow off of his boots and sled. "Mommy, I got snow. I need wipe!"

Looks thrilled about all this, right?


Not nearly as fond of Santa...

Ran into Santa at the Levee...Oliver was not nearly as enthusiastic about him...


Festival of Lights

Sam was working last night, so I took Oliver to the Festival of Lights at the zoo. These pics are blurry because I took them at night on my phone, but you'll get the point.

Oh--and I had to take a picture of the baby cougars because they were so cute.

Oliver made this gingerbread man follow us around for about 1/2 hour..."come on! come on!". The gingerbread man played with Oliver on the playground and took him over to see the goats. I, for my part, thought it was creepy to have an 8-ft, silent gingerbread man tailing us.


Happy Thanksgiving!

I am posting a ton of pictures today. These are all out of order, but here are some of the things we did this weekend.

A trip to the mall with Landon, Anna, and Grandma DY. The kids rode the carousel. Landon wasn't convinced that he really liked it.

This is our advertisement for the IPad. Anna just got it, and the kids loved it!

Oliver and Landon on the stool/chair made by Grandpa Paul. Thanks, Grandpa!

Oliver, Maggie, and Landon went to the GR Children's Museum. They had a great time with the bubble tables and other toys.

What is Thanksgiving without pie and T.V. watching?


New Vids

Shake Your Booty!

Very Sneaky

Sneaky Number 2


Happy Halloween!

Here are some pictures from our 4-day Halloween celebration. This 1st one was from trick-or-treating on Thursday at Music Hall. Oliver was a bit afraid (in that he was screaming and crying) of the other kids in costumes and would go nowhere near them. But he did enjoy getting candy...

After a Halloween party on Friday morning at daycare, Oliver and I went to a pumpkin painting/carving party at Bel's house on Friday night.

We took a little break on Saturday night from dressing up, but Sam came through with several hours as a giant chicken.

Here are the pics from tonight. Bel, Amelia, Joe, and Kathy joined us for trick-or-treating in Bellevue. No more screaming and crying tonight--and lots and lots of candy!


Visit from Geema, Eena, and Yandon

This is Grandma, as agile as she was in her youth, showing us all that she is still able to climb playground equipment. Afterward, I was hoping to arm wrestle, but she was too tired.

Anna giving me the stink-eye

Oliver was drawing us pictures tonight. Here is what he told us he was drawing:
purple = horse
green = spider
orange = crab
blue = bike
red = excavator
yellow = cow
black = sea horse
pink = buh-luh-luh-luh-luh?
pencil = another spider

These are all obvious from the drawing, right?