
Back to Kentucky

I didn't take very many pictures at Christmas this year, but here are the few that I took on our latest visit to Michigan.

Oliver and I got to visit with the Holmans last week Monday. Oliver and Anni decorated Christmas cookies. Oliver spent much of the time licking the knife and his fingers. He also had more than his share of M&Ms.

Oliver and Anni also went swimming at the Spring Lake Aquatic Center. They had a great time and were very hungry for cookies when we got back.

This is Oliver after Grandma Menkveld's party at Aunt Debbie's last week Sunday. It was so much fun! Oliver especially enjoyed chasing Justin's hovercraft, digging for candy, and cleaning up the pinata. It was great to see family.

This is Oliver and Landon in one of the better "sharing" moments =).

Oliver made a pink snowman with his Play-Doh stocking stuffer at Gramma and Papa's house.


Toronto Liz said...

That's a pretty awesome snowman.

Josh said...

Is it abominable?

Megan Menkveld said...

Love Oliver and Landon sharing the chair and smiling together. The snowman, well, it's pink all right.