

We started a vegetable garden! We are attempting to grow peas, beans, carrots, lettuce, a few different kinds of peppers, basil, and corn. We don't know much about gardening, but after watching Food, Inc., we thought we should give it a good try (I haven't been very motivated work in the garden or even water the plants ever before). Hopefully we'll get something =)!

Oliver had been doing this for about 20 minutes before I took this vid. He has been walking around the house with 2 pencils in his hands and playing everything like it is a drum (or "La-La" as he calls it).


Thursday in Michigan with the Holmans

We are in Michigan for Spring Break and got to visit the Holmans who recently moved to Spring Lake. Here are a few pics from our quick trip to the beach. It was 78 degrees and beautiful! Oliver has missed his friends Anni and Baby Greta.


We Rule!

This took a surprisingly long amount of time. After weeks of staring at this during dinner, we finally used all the Fridge Phonics letters to create real words (without turning the "c" sideways to make another "u"). And yes, "zek" is a real word. Apparently, a "zek" is a POW in a Soviet work camp. That sounds made up, doesn't it...

Everyone should try this...it keeps your mind from going numb with the nonstop alphabet songs.


Oh--One More Thing...

I am having the worst time trying to upload this video, so I hope this finally works. I had to drive all the way to Michigan to finally have success...This is a video of Sam and Landon from last weekend.

Anna, Steve, and Landon

I am posting a ton of pictures this week. Anna, Steve, and Landon came for a visit. We went to the zoo and walked all around town. Landon did great, and he is sooooo cute! These pics are way out of order, but it was too hard to change them around--I'll explain as we go.

This is how Landon looks 99% of the time--smiley and genuinely happy to see you.

I think I take a picture of Oliver and the rhino every time we go to the zoo, but here's another one--in case you haven't seen the last six.

We moved Oliver's table to the kitchen, so now he has a place to color and bang things all the time.

The tulips are in bloom!

So here are a few more animal pics from the latest trip to the zoo. Maybe by the end of the summer, you will have seen the whole thing without actually visiting.

Here is Anna with a very happy look on her face and Landon in the carrier. He was kicked out of the stroller by Oliver.

Landon was very excited about being at the zoo.

Family pic next to the turkeys

Oliver looks a bit blank in this picture, but Steve and Landon looked so charming that I decided to post it.