
Visit from Geema, Eena, and Yandon

This is Grandma, as agile as she was in her youth, showing us all that she is still able to climb playground equipment. Afterward, I was hoping to arm wrestle, but she was too tired.

Anna giving me the stink-eye

Oliver was drawing us pictures tonight. Here is what he told us he was drawing:
purple = horse
green = spider
orange = crab
blue = bike
red = excavator
yellow = cow
black = sea horse
pink = buh-luh-luh-luh-luh?
pencil = another spider

These are all obvious from the drawing, right?


Toronto Liz said...

Oh I think the pink buh lul luh luh is bubble gum!

Yllas said...

If you make a good color copy of that, Pappa and I would frame it and put it up in our new apartment!

Megan Menkveld said...

Thanks for including the key, but I didn't need it. I thought it was pretty obvious just by looking at it.

Gramma on the playground climbing equipment was funny in an uncomfortable way. Anna's stink eye is classic and I wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the comment because I was focused on Landon.