Between visits with family, I have been trying to find fun things for Oliver to do.
I was going to try to get some pictures of him playing at the park, but he only wanted to throw rocks onto the benches for an hour. Only took one picture of that.
Lake Odessa actually does have a lake. Can you guess what it is called?
Jordan Lake.
Oliver had fun playing in the water and in the sand.
I am in Michigan for the week, and I promised Sam that I would take pictures of everything we are doing. I don't have too many yet, but here is what I have...
Breakfast at the Red Geranium
Oliver's Dance Library
Here is a very subdued version of Oliver's dance moves. He's quite a serious dancer.
I haven't posted any videos in a while, so I took a couple today. Not the most exciting, but you will get a feel for our life in general right now. Hope everyone is well!
Sam bought Oliver a kazoo while in Chicago for a conference. It apparently takes no talent to play a kazoo--even a toddler can do it.
Oliver and Griffin are getting along somewhat better these days.
Oliver has taken to spinning in circles over the last couple days. I didn't realize how dangerous this could be! I think he likes how it makes him feel.
Pay especially close attention to Oliver's fantastic table manners...